RES-9 Plus – 1 Bottle @ $89.95 plus Free Shipping


RES-9 Plus – 1 Bottle @ $89.95 plus Shipping
Extinguish Age-Related Decline with the Most Powerful Antioxidants Ever Discovered

SKU: RES-9-11PS-PC-F-CC-2 Category:

Product Description

Extinguish Age-Related Decline with the Most Powerful Antioxidants Ever Discovered

You’ve probably heard plenty about antioxidants. But before you go spend a fortune on blueberries, you should know…

Not all antioxidants are created equal.

Most antioxidants are one-and-done operations. Let me explain.

The reason antioxidants are so important is they fight free radicals. Free radicals are nasty molecules that steal little pieces of your cells.

Making your cells unstable and unable to do their jobs right. Which leaves you open to age-related decline.

And what’s worse, because they’re unstable and “incomplete,” they steal pieces from nearby cells.

And those incomplete cells do the same. It’s a chain-reaction of big trouble.

Think of it like a wildfire. It spreads quickly and is very hard to stop.

Now, antioxidants are like fire extinguishers. They’re great for putting out one fire.

But in our modern, toxic environment, there isn’t just one fire. With new pollutants and chemicals hitting us all the time, you need something better than a fire extinguisher. You need something better than even a firehose.

That’s why I developed RES-9 Plus. With NINE of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered. Including…

  • Rooibos extract, the ultimate antioxidant herb — with the power to shut down free radical factories in your cells;
  • SOD, your body’s “master antioxidant” that may increase lifespan;
  • And the highest dose of astaxanthin available on the market — an antioxidant 6,000 times more powerful than vitamin C!

PLUS six more free radical-fighting antioxidants like resveratrol, green tea extract and more.

Together, the anti-aging antioxidants in RES-9 Plus work to protect every cell, tissue and organ in your body — keeping them healthier, longer.

Additional Information

Weight 1 lbs